Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cost when using photovoltaic cell Essay

Solar energy industry utilizes prize per Watt peak, which is the primary unit of measurement for computing cost. Current prevailing price for solar energy generation is at around $4/Wp. Basically; cost would depend on the total installed cost for the system. Around 40% to 50% of the cost would be for the solar module. A complete system includes the entire required component for a functioning system. As of 2003 a residential system would cost at around $8,000 – $12,000 per kWp installed (SolarBuzz, 2006). Based on data, a 1kWp unit would produce differently depending on the location and levels of sunlight. Generated data for Southern California produced 1800 kwh/year while for Northern Germany was 800 kwh/year and 1600 – 2000 kwh / year in India using the same 1kWp unit of solar system. However, gradual improvements on the silicon crystal model of PV cells contributed to a dramatic reduction of the cost of photovoltaic electricity (Cartlidge, 2007). Actual generated power would still depend on the location and prices are variably dependent on the local tariffs. Compared to other existing rates for energy generation distributed solar PV would be 30cents to 50cents/kWh the current rate is still far from the 3 – 5 cents / kWh rate for combined cycle gas turbines. Although there is a promising trend of decreasing rate of generation cost due to decrease in installation cost (Space_Daily, 2005). The amount of roof space needed to roof-mount a solar system is based on the size or â€Å"generating capacity† or â€Å"rating† of the system you purchase. Most residential systems require as little as 50 square feet of mounting area for a small â€Å"starter† system, or as much as 500-1,000 square feet for a PV array capable of meeting all of a homeowner’s needs. Commercial systems are typically much larger than residential systems. A rule of thumb is that a square foot of single- or poly-crystalline PV module area produces 10 watts of power in bright sunlight. Therefore, a 1000-watt system requires about 100 to 200 square feet of roof area, depending on the type of PV module. The amount of roof area needed also depends on the PV module’s efficiency in converting sunlight to electricity. Table 1 provides approximate roof area requirements as a function of PV efficiency (percent) and rating (watts). Table 1: Roof Area Needed for Various Sizes of PV Systems Although the efficiency (percent of sunlight converted to electricity) varies with different types of PV modules, higher-efficiency modules typically cost more. One of the main barriers to the development of rural electrification markets with photovoltaic is the financing of the high up-front investment of an SHS, which is the critical point for most of the rural households, as well as for many photovoltaic intermediaries. Depending on the size of the local market, taxes the share of locally manufactured components and governmental policy regarding solar technology and rural electrification, an SHS costs between US $500 to US $1,500. Even with the existence of subsidies for the installation of an SHS, such investment costs are much too high compared to the average income of the target households. For this reason, financing schemes allowing payment by installments must be offered – they are needed in national electrification programs as in commercial markets. In this connection, micro-finance institutions (MFI) could play an essential role in the dissemination of SHS. This not only represents a solution for the existing barriers regarding the electrification of remote rural households, but also offers new market opportunities for . MFI for example, ill form of rural electricity loans, which additionally offer the convenience of secure guarantees of the hardware, especially the solar panel. PV today is economical only if it does not have to compete with grid electricity. Nevertheless, the technology is only at the beginning of its development and hopes are high for further large cost reductions. At present, however, it is not obvious that the cost of PV can reach present levels of the cost of base load electricity, but it call reach consumer retail prices. Besides development of technology, market expansion is a proven way of bringing down cost. In several countries that take their obligation to reduce greenhouse gases seriously, comprehensive support programs for distributed PV installations have been legislated. One example is the German renewable energy law, which stipulates that utilities have to pay for PV electricity fed into the grid about 0. 5 $/kWh for twenty years. This reimbursement is reduced by 5% each year for new installations in order to stimulate cost reduction (Elwell & Komp, 2007). Manufacturing of PV cells undergoes many processes. After producing the solar cells, they have to be transported and assembled. Solar cell usually have a life span of 25 years. After which they are disassembled and transported for proper disposal. A study was conducted to measure the total energy consumed in the manufacture alone of the solar cells. Using the Sharp ND-205U1 module, which cost $850, a forty-four-module order would require $28,900, not including the cost of wires and inverters installed along with the solar modules (Riley & Meyers, 2005). Renewable sources in Middle East In the Middle East, governments are pushing for finding an alternative to fossil fuels to meet its energy requirements. Renewable sources are being eyed. Due to the depleting supply of fossil fuels, United Arab Emirates has already undertaken projects in preparation for meeting the required power needed. It is estimated that by 2015, 14% of estimated power requirements would be saved with the utilization of wind and solar energy. By 2050 it is forecasted that almost half of energy requirements of UAE would be supplied by wind and solar energy with PV generation forming the largest percentage of the two (WFES, 2004). Other Middle East countries are likely to follow in their endeavor to preserve the region’s main source of wealth – oil and gas. Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran Bahrain and Lebanon have already implemented or will be implementing strategies in harnessing these renewable sources abundant in the region (Middle_East_Electricity, 2005). One project initiated in Israel, which aims to provide electricity and water supply in a small rural village in Palestine. Greenstar identified one of the four-target villages Al Ka’abneh, West Bank, Palestine. The purpose of the project is to supply electricity with the installation of PV cell system. Before the project was instituted, the village had no electricity and water was not sanitized, thus resulting to health problems as one of the prevalent challenged areas of the village. The locals were taught how to maintain and utilize the PV system installed in their village and care was delegated to them. The project supplied the village with a 100 kW PV generator, which was used to power the village’s health clinic, mosque and school. Aside from the generator, the village was also supplied with a PV powered water pumping and desalination units. Among the lessons learned from the project is that solar energy provides simple solutions to simple electrical needs of small isolated villages where a national grid is rendered superfluous (Greenstar, 1999).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Managing Diabetes in a Patient with Enduring Mental Health

DIABETES; A CONTEMPORARY APPROACH 2486 WORDS CONTENTS CONTENTSPAGE1 INTRODUCTIONPAGE2 DISCUSSIONPAGE2 CONCLUSIONPAGE8 REFERENCESPAGE9 ARTICLES ACCESSED ONLINEPAGE12 APPENDIX 1SCENARIOPAGE13 APPENDIX 2 ‘EATWELL PLATE’PAGE14 Introduction Lavinia had suffered a relapse in her mental health and had been using illicit drugs and alcohol to combat the disturbing positive symptoms of her illness and had stopped taking any of her prescribed medications.The nursing assessment indicated that the first issue to deal with was her chaotic behaviour and once that was under control a series of therapeutic interventions could be put in place to aid her recovery. Initially her chaotic presentation and challenging behaviours (Beer et al, 2005; Xeniditis et al, 2001) made it difficult to engage with her with in a therapeutic way and she resisted staff’s attempts to help her. The decision was made to manage her using intramuscular injections (IM) of an anxiolytic that necessitated usi ng physical restraint in order to administer the IM.The first few days were not pleasant for Lavinia due to staff needing to restrain and inject her in order to manage her challenging behaviours but her chaotic behaviour did resolve over time and she became more accepting of staff interventions. Lavinia’s named nurse engaged with her and spent time ‘counselling’ her and a series of therapeutic interventions were agreed. Mental health nurses are specialists in caring for people with mental health problems and it has been identified that they have deficits in their knowledge of diabetes (Nash, 2009).This was the case in caring for Lavinia at the time. Little emphasis was placed on the importance of managing her diabetes because staff were not aware of the implications of poor diabetes management. Discussion In the United Kingdom mental illness is by far the largest single source of burden of disease. There is no other illness or disease in the combined extent of pe rsistence, prevalence and breadth that impacts on the person more (Friedli and Parsonage, 2007).There is an inextricable link between poor mental health and an increased risk of physical illness, increased health risk behaviour, deprivation, poor educational achievement, substance misuse (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, (NICE) 2009). Managing mental illness carries the single largest cost to the National Health Service (NHS) coming in at ? 10. 4 billion (Department of Health, 2012). Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that can have a debilitating effect on many aspects of a person’s life including perceptions, thinking, language, emotions, social, behaviour.The positive symptoms of schizophrenia can include hallucinations of any senses, delusions, disorganized thought processes, causing the person to lose contact with reality. Diabetes is a serious condition that can have a debilitating effect on the person. It can cause kidney failure, blindness, hea rt disease, stroke, psychosocial problems, if left untreated (NICE, 2008). The United Kingdom is facing a significant increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes. In the past 16 years the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased from 1. million to 2. 9 million cases and it is estimated that this figure will continue to increase as the number of older people and overweight/obese people increase (Diabetes in the UK, April 2012). Diabetes mellitus is a condition whereby the body is unable to properly use the glucose it produces because of either lack of or resistance to the hormone insulin. There are two main types of diabetes; type 1 & type 2. Insulin is needed to enable the glucose to pass from the blood and enter the cells of the body where it is stored.Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body (pancreas) is unable to produce its own insulin (an autoimmune disease) and the person needs to have regular daily injections of insulin to counter this. Type 1 diabetes accounts for approximately 10% of all people with diabetes (Diabetes in the UK, April 2012). Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a condition whereby the body either does not produce sufficient insulin or that the person is insulin resistant. It can be treated with medication alone or medication and insulin.Type 2 diabetes accounts for approximately 90% of all people with diabetes (Diabetes in the UK, April 2012). It is known that type 2 diabetes mellitus has an increased prevalence in people with schizophrenia compared to the the general population (Schoepf et al, 2011). Further, the treatment for schizophrenia is typically with antipsychotic medication and it is now clear that some antipsychotics elevate the risk of developing diabetes and weight gain (iatrogenic effect) though just why this happens is not fully understood (Dixon et al. 000). Lavinia suffers from schizophrenia, is obese, takes antipsychotics, and suffers from type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is potentially a life threatening con dition. Blood glucose levels below 3. 5mmol/l are too low for the brain to function; this is hypoglycaemia. The signs of hypoglycaemia are similar to a person experiencing psychoses, e. g. aggression, disorientation, changed behaviour. It would have been imperative that nursing staff should have made it a priority that Lavinia’s blood glucose levels were monitored.Lavinia could have been experiencing a hypoglycaemic state when in fact nurses might have mistaken this for challenging behaviour. Lavinia’s blood glucose levels might have been above the recommended guidelines (>8mmol/l) which is hyperglycaemia and the nurses would need to have an understanding of the potential elevated blood glucose levels can have, e. g. damage to the micro and macro vascular system leading to blindness, increased risk of heart attack, increased risk of stroke, diabetic ketoacidosis.Not having sufficient knowledge of diabetes while at the same time caring for someone with diabetes and not acting compromises the nurse’s professional obligations (Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC, 2002) and the NMC or the courts would have no reluctance in pursuing this should it become an issue (Kane Gorny, 2009). Any nurse who cares for a person needs to be competent. Roach (1992) defines competence as, â€Å"the state of having the knowledge, judgment, skills, energy, experience and motivation required to respond dequately to the demands of one’s professional responsibilities†. The nurses caring for Lavinia would therefore be duty bound to refer her to a diabetes nurse/Dr. According to the NICE (2008) recommendations it is vital that people with diabetes receive an annual check up including; blood pressure; feet check; smoking status; urinary albumin test (or protein test to measure kidney function); serum creatinine test; retinopathy screen; cholesterol levels; weight and BMI measurements; HbA1c– blood glucose levels.Lavinia may have had these checks ca rried out within the last 12 months but due to her chaotic lifestyle over the past few months her results might differ significantly thus during this admission it would be an opportune time to have these checks carried out. Hypertension can have devastating effects on the person whether they have diabetes or not, e. g. increased risk of stroke, cardiac disease, renal failure. Research by Diabetes UK (2012) found that little more than 50% of people with diabetes were meeting their blood pressure targets which they recommend should be 130/80.The importance of good foot care in diabetes cannot be overstated. Poor foot care can lead to ulceration and ill health, gangrene and even amputation. Diabetes UK state that up to 80% of amputations annually in England are avoidable. The risks that smoking presents are well documented, e. g. heart disease, stroke, vascular complications, amputation. A person with diabetes is pre disposed to certain illnesses and should he/she decide to smoke then their health risk profile increases considerably by multiplying the potential deleterious effects.Blood tests can identify potential or actual renal failure. Diabetes causes harm to the micro vascular system which includes the very tiny vessels in the retina of the eye. If this is not addressed it can lead to blindness and Diabetes UK recommend an annual eye screen. High cholesterol levels are serious whether the person has diabetes or not and can lead to heart disease, circulatory complications, stroke, fatty liver. Abnormal levels of cholesterol can cause insulin resistance.Type 2 diabetes is one of the most serious consequences associated with being obese or overweight. Over the past 25 years the number of people in England who are classed as obese has doubled and it is anticipated by the year 2050 obesity will affect 60% of adult men, 50% of adult women, and 25% of children (Foresight, 2007). The blood glucose levels – HbA1c – is an indicator for risk of damage to blood vessels. NICE (2008) recommend an HBA1c level of between 6. 5% and 7. 5% would be the goal for people with diabetes.For people with type 2 diabetes, effective blood glucose control can reduce the risk of diabetic eye disease by 25% and kidney damage by 33% (UK prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS). It is clear that management of diabetes can be a challenging role and a multidisciplinary approach is needed to manage it as effectively as it can be managed. Multidisciplinary teamwork is important in any care giving role (Liberman et al, 2001). The most important person in the multidisciplinary team is Lavinia. She is the person who has the most control and needs to manage her diabetes on a daily basis.For Lavinia there are two issues; managing schizophrenia and managing diabetes. Using a depot antipsychotic in preference to oral medication would help Lavinia because a nurse would administer it weekly thus reducing the risk of relapse. NICE guidelines (2009) advise that people with s chizophrenia should be offered access to psychological therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and/or family therapy. If Lavinia did benefit from psychological interventions it might reduce her reliance on medication thus reducing side effects.In order to manage her diabetes Lavinia should have access to a team of professionals including diabetic nurses; podiatry; Dr’s; ophthalmology; dietician; pharmacist; physiotherapist; counsellor. An assessment for management of diabetes should be holistic (Dunning, 2009 pgs. 36 – 49) and appropriate to a person’s lifestyle. For Lavinia this means sitting down with a specialist diabetic nurse and having a complete assessment of her lifestyle and her understanding of how it interacts with her diabetes. She needs to fully understand the importance of good glucose control and the consequences of poor control.She might already have experienced hypoglycaemic attacks but been unaware of what they were/are, i. e. c ould be confused with positive effects of schizophrenia. As a starting point it would be appropriate to ensure she knows how to test her blood glucose levels, which is one of the NICE (2008) guidelines, and how to interpret the result. She needs to be aware of the relationship between food intake, physical activity and medication understanding how managing these can help her maintain appropriate blood glucose levels. Diet is known as the cornerstone of management in type 2 diabetes.An appropriate diet will help control blood glucose levels, maintain an appropriate weight/body mass index, and prevention of complications. Lavinia is obese which is possibly due to the combination of antipsychotic medications she takes for schizophrenia and her lifestyle. An assessment by a dietician or specialist diabetic nurse into her eating habits would help to identify any areas she would benefit from by making changes to her diet. The ‘Eatwell Plate’ (Department of Health, 2011) offer s a model for healthy eating in the United Kingdom (see appendix 2).It gives good visual, easy to understand, guidance on the balance/proportion and types of food that contribute to a healthy diet. Lavinia would benefit from an assessment with the physiotherapists to determine her level of fitness and areas that could be worked on in order to improve her fitness with a view to losing weight. Exercise can reduce the risk of major illnesses e. g. heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer by up to 50% (National Health Service, 2012). However, the benefits of exercise on glycaemic control and body mass in type 2 diabetes is not clear (Boule’ et al, 2001).The potentially damaging effects that diabetes can have on a person are well known and documented (e. g. UK prospective Diabetes Study, 1977 thru 1997 (UKPDS). The damaging effects of poor blood glucose control are not always immediately observable and consequently people with diabetes do not always fully appreciate the importan ce of controlling their blood glucose levels (see Mail Online, 2010). The reality of diabetes care is self management and effective self management delays the onset of complications. Lavinia needs to understand how the lifestyle choices she makes, e. . level and frequency of physical activity, what and when she eats, managing her mental health, are all major factors in controlling her diabetes. Because the damaging consequences of not managing diabetes are not immediately obvious the impetus to manage it is not always paramount (Diabetes UK, 2012). It might be enough that Lavinia understands these factors and therefore takes action to manage her condition. If not, she would need support to help her change her behaviour/lifestyle in order to manage her diabetes. There are several models of behavioural change, e. g. ealth belief model (Becker, 1974); theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Atzen, 1975); social learning theory (Bandura, 1977). Motivational interviewing (MI) (Rollnick a nd Miller, 1995) is a model that is used to bring about behavioural change and has been shown to be effective in bringing about change in a range of healthcare settings including diabetes care, e. g. VanWormer et al (2004); Clark and Hampson (2001); Kim et al (2004). The aim of MI is to bring about discrepancy in the persons beliefs and thoughts by bringing about a state of cognitive dissonance, i. e. he difference between where the person is currently and where they want to be in future and setting small goals to achieve. Thus, Lavinia has full knowledge of the damaging effects diabetes can have and in future she would like to get married and have children. To have children she needs to be as ‘healthy’ as she can be and therefore she will be self motivated to resolve the dissonance she experiences. Used in combination with Prochaska and DiClemente’s model, stages of change (1983) and Egan’s (1998) skilled helper model of problem management could work to g ood effect for Lavinia in bringing about a change.Conclusion The link between poor mental health and poorer outcomes for physical illness, increased health risk behaviour, deprivation, educational achievement, substance misuse is well known (NICE, 2009). Diabetes is potentially a life threatening condition; Lavinia has schizophrenia and diabetes. Her poor mental health could be supporting the deleterious effects of her diabetes. Not having sufficient knowledge of diabetes while at the same time caring for someone with diabetes and not addressing it compromises the nurse’s professional obligations (NMC, 2002).Lavinia needs support from both the mental health and diabetes services. She needs to have a good understanding of the interplay between the diabetes and mental health. She needs to have insight into potential relapse signatures to her mental health so that she can get help as early as possible. A diabetes counsellor could help Lavinia make lifestyle changes by engaging h er in a course of motivational interviews (Rollnick and Miller, 1995) in combination with Prochaska and DiClemente’s model, stages of change (1984) and Egan’s (1998) skilled helper model of problem management. ReferencesBandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Becker, M. H. , ed. (1974). The Health Belief Model and Personal Health Behavior. Health Education Monographs, Vol. 2 32473. Beer, D. Turk, V. McGovern, P. et al, (2005), Characteristics of patients exhibiting severe challenging behaviour in low secure mental health and mild learning disabilities units. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol. 1, pp 29-35. Boule’, N. G. Haddad, E. Kenny, G. 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Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health. Available online and accessed July 2012: http://www. chex. org. uk/media/resources/mental_health/Mental%20Health%20Promotion%20-%20Building%20an%20Economic%20Case. pdf Mail online. Available and accessed in July 2012 at: http:// www. dailymail. co. uk/health/article-1309609/The-cruel-cost-ignoring-diabetes-Jane-lost-arm-legs-disease-like-didnt-seriously. html NHS Choices.Accessed online in July 2012 and available at: http://www. nhs. uk/Livewell/fitness/Pages/Whybeactive. aspx UK prospective Diabetes Study (1977-1997). Available and accessed online in July 2012 at: http://www. dtu. ox. ac. uk/ukpds_trial/index. php Appendix 1 Scenario Lavinia (pseudonym) is a 25 year old female with a history of schizophrenia stretching back to her late teens. She has been placed on a section of the Mental Health Act (MHA, 1983) and detained on a psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) due to her presenting with chaotic behaviour posing a threat to

Monday, July 29, 2019

Student Evaluation Form Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Student Evaluation Form - Assignment Example made by the internship program at information system and technology is to ensure that more about calculation has to be thought in order for any calculation that has to be made in any organization it ends up becoming easy. The other improvement is that has to be made is to ensure that more practical are done so as to make it easier for the interns to cope with any change or challenges that come their way. The internship has oriented me to the overall Information System and Technology education in a way that am able to repair computers that may have problems and also to reprocess it to ensure that any problem has been solved. On the other hand it has enabled me to know how to calculate the shipment cost that has been received and the ones sold that not being all I also link it to the new system. The other thing that my internship has oriented me to my overall information system technology is that am also able to create a company website and also to update it. The other thing is that I am able to market through the website and make sales through purchase reservation and shipping options. The curricular that has to be implemented in order to prepare future students to our company is the company should try to implement competition between interns so as to determine who the best in what he or she does is. The other curricular is that the company should ensure that the inters have to prove their creativity by being told to create something that can be of benefit to the company. Academic program has oriented me in many particular needs of the company. Such as Information and Organizations’, I have implemented it at the company to understand the overview of organizational structure and function this includes information processing and analytic perspective of the organization. New Media and the Web also oriented me to the particular needs of the company. First the company should try to make sure that the intern students do a lot of practical than theories so they have

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Demand for Equal Airtime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Demand for Equal Airtime - Essay Example The essay "Demand for Equal Airtime" talks about the Donald Trump’s appearance and hosting of the Saturday Night Live- SNL show that has raised alarm among three other Republican presidential nominee hopefuls. Trump’s appearance has been observed as free publicity offered to the Republican presidential nominee front runner. There is need for all political candidates and opponents to get equal opportunities for airtime. This allows and enables for the notion of free and fair elections as prescribed in the constitution. All candidates should be equally endeared to the public in regards to publicity stints offered by non-news programs. Under the equal-time rule, US television and Radio broadcast stations are tasked to provide equal opportunity to any political candidate opponents who request it. The rule was created because the FCC believed that broadcast stations could easily influence elections results by showcasing just a single point of view while excluding other candi dates. The equal time rule does not apply to news interviews, documentary, on the spot news or a scheduled newscast. Therefore, the three republican presidential nominee hopefuls are well within their rights to demand and file requests for equal airtime as that accorded to Trump on SNL which is a non-news program. The three GOP hopefuls have exercised their right in a bid to gain free publicity as well as aim to increase their low poll numbers. Under the FCC’s ‘equal time rule’, if a candidate receives a minute on a non-news shot.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How does a community's language reflect its values Essay

How does a community's language reflect its values - Essay Example As anyone visiting an Arab nation might notice, rules are†¦ rigid, to say the least, as a result of its ties to Islam. Women are made to wear veils that leave only the eyes exposed. Alcohol, pornography and other such things are frowned upon, if not prohibited entirely. As for the language itself, some devout Muslims refer to it as the language Allah especially intended mankind to speak. Arabic is the most prevalent Semitic language in the world, spoken by over 500 million people worldwide. But its influence extends even beyond this; even some of the words we use daily, not to mention the conventional numbering system we use (Hindu-Arabic) has been shaped by the Arabic language. Apart from being divided into classical, modern and colloquial, the Arabic language is further divided into a bunch of dialects than differ, sometimes immensely so, from one another. As such, different varieties of it are suited for different situations. As with any other language, it’s not uncommon to hear someone switch from colloquial Arabic to standard and then back again. Just as complicated, if not more so, are the rules on grammar, pronunciation and spelling. As with some other languages, Japanese among them, a small mistake in pronunciation and/or spelling can change the meaning of the word entirely. As for writing, Arabic calligraphy was and is still considered a major art form. It is probably one of the only languages in which something can look beautiful, even if you cannot understand it. In my mind, the sophistication of the Arabic language reflects the sophistication of our community. Despite what some may think, not all Arabs nowadays are Muslims as well. Members of other faiths, such as Judaism and Catholicism, are many as well. And in relation to this, neither are Arabs automatically terrorists. Far from supporting them, a good number of us actually condemn their actions as much as the next man; it is people

External Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

External Analysis - Essay Example The external analysis allows the company to keep up to date with the changes in the industry. It helps the organization in keeping track of the stakeholders in the market including the customers and competitors. The outcome of the external analysis comes through the development and implementation of strategies. There are factors that affect the way that organizations perform these factors can be internal environmental factors and external environmental factors. The internal environment encompasses the strenghths and weaknesses of the company and covers the internal factors that can be the resources including the profitability, sales or can be the capabilities. Factors such as the corporate culture and employees also constitute to the internal environment. One the contrary, external factors are outside of the company. Advancements in technology and changes in government regulations and social policies can be characterized as opportunities or threats for the company. The opportunities for the firm include the changes in the trends, changes in the competition, analysis of new markets as well as segments, advancements in information technology and the alterations in government regulations. ... rs to entry and hence, emergence of competitors, low growth of the market, unfavorable changes in the regulation and advancements in technology that are difficult to keep up with. StilSim: Threats and the Opportunities: An external analysis of Stilsim would give a detailed view of the opportunities and threats that the company deals with. Opportunities: The analysis revealed that among the opportunities is the prospects of expansion and the advancements in technology. One of the vital aspects for an organization is its prospects for expansion. An attractive opportunity for Stilsim is the choice of spreading to other areas and expanding operations beyond the current region of work. Despite the condition of the markets, businesses of the employment firms and recruitment agencies are always in demand. This opportunity for Stilsim can enable it to capitalize over its experience and contacts in the industry and expand the operations to various cities. another opportunity that was recogniz ed was the technological opportunities. With the passage of time and the advancements in information technology, there has been an evolution in the way businesses conduct themselves. Technologies that were once seen as far sighted notion are now household commodities. This advancement in technology has provided more opportunities for businesses. Stilsim can reach its potential customers through its web presence. It could mould its website according to the needs of the customer and current trends. The internet could be exploited to communicate the core values of business and use it for E-marketing. Threats: The threats in the external environment include the company's its incompetence regarding technology and the use of state of the art systems. Stilsim is still dependent upon the use of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Contemporary Issues in Management - Essay Example Table of Contents Introduction Organizations’ view of Work Life balance Theories on Quality of life Advantages of Work Life balance Programs Best Practices to Improve Quality of Life Effect of Quality of Life programs on employees Conclusion Contemporary Issues in Management - Quality of Life and Work Life Balance Introduction Recent decades have seen a change in the working style. Not only are more people part of the workforce now, they are also working more hours (Chick, 2004). The stressful work life often becomes overwhelming and it’s easy to lose perspective of what is really important. As a result people end up making bad decisions and often neglect their personal life as shown in a study conducted by the Families and Work Institute (Bond, 2002). Balance is always the key to a healthy living. If a person works too much and sacrifices quality family time, he might be successful professionally, but the achievement and material gain is not proportionate to the price he has to pay for a neglected family. According to Caliguiri and Lazarova (2005, pp.124), â€Å"Work-life balance can be defined as maintaining a happy and healthy personal life while being successful at work, and attaining a broadly defined sense of personal fulfillment†. The phrase â€Å"time poverty† is commonly used now with more and more people complaining they have more work to do in less time. This paper deals with the concept of work-life balance and its importance in organizations by specifically looking at Four Seaons Inc, which is a leading hotel chain that has presence in over 35 countries. Many enterprises have realized the benefits to a workforce which has an improved quality of life, as employee satisfaction has a direct relationship with the success of the organization (Wickham, Parker and Fishwick, 2006). Organizations’ view of Work Life balance There is a growing realization among organizations that quality of life needs to be improved because of the multiple roles being played by an employee. It’s difficult to juggle home and work life and often results in lower productivity (Lockwood, 2003). Four Seasons is an organization that has remained an employer of choice by providing them with not just good salary and perks, but also by facilitating a good work-life balance among the employees. For this reason, it figured as no.55 on the Fortune list of top employers across the world (, 2011). If the employee at Four Seasons feels in control of his work life and does not have stress, it can lead to higher productivity and less absenteeism. This is because work-life balance has a growth and profit impact, producing a positive return on investment (Quinlan, 2005; Purcell, 2002; Bird, 2006). Better policies towards employees at four seasons help in maintaining a healthier and happier work force also help reduce health care costs at four seasons which often results in greater loyalty and motivation and decreases the turnover rate (Lockwood, 2003; Quinlan, 2005, Landy and Conte, 2010).Employee retention may also be seen as an important benefit(Joshi et al, 2009). In the 70s employers thought of work-life balance as an issue of working mothers alone. During the 80’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Facebook Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Facebook - Essay Example Ashley Watson lists Starbucks, Victoria’s Secret, Zara, McDonalds, H&M, Taco Bell, Subway, Lacoste, Hollister and Forever as the top ten most liked retailers advertising on Facebook and claims they are selling themselves on the site as they discovered it as an innovative way of letting themselves be known to consumers. The advertisers on Facebook generally let their products known on the networking site because of the number of people they can reach as friends of targeted consumers see what they are engaged with when they click on the like button below the pictures of advertisers (Stambor). In addition, Facebook advertising is cheaper on the part of the retailers while they are still able to reach more consumers with the help of their prospects’ free advertisements tot their friends. As mentioned earlier in the ads of Facebook, retailers are also able to interact with customers, telling them more about their products and answering questions which makes consumers appreciate or give suggestions to the retailers. Being the top among the ten retailers mentioned earlier, Starbucks gained its status with a well done Facebook page (Lee) where they communicate with their customers, updating them with new products, promotions and other pertinent information that engage their fans. One noted activity of the retailer is giving away free products when they print out invitations from their advertisement on the networking site which increased their production within the promotional period. Another retailer that took great advantage of the site’s advertisement page is the controversial Taco Bell (Lee, Singer) with the lawsuit claiming its Taco fillings do not meet the standard requirement of the USDA to be labeled as beef, the retailer used Facebook to pacify consumers. It is giving away ten million coupons to those who like them on Facebook which consequently entitles them for free Tacos and the more than five million followers of Taco Bell

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organization of the module Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organization of the module - Assignment Example In addition, it relates to my academic achievement as demonstrated in each theory. Larsen and Ellehave (2000:104) give a definition of the term ‘career’ and its components. They define it to be a development process where an individual through personal experiences and interaction with an organization is able to establish prosperity grounds. The scholars further explain that the term ‘career’ is composed of two components; the objective and the subjective components. Their interaction creates a far much bigger body, difficult to disentangle. Basically, career theories can be split into two; traditional and modern. The traditional theory talks about the vertical rise of employees up the ladder career ladder in terms of job position they hold in their workplace.1 Most people still embrace this concept as they see it to be orderly. It allows recognition of abilities and promotions are done based on the capability expressed by the employee. While working in Kuwait finance House bank, I was able to move from a customer service representative to a banking clerk and later to a senior banking clerk between 2004 and 2007. Through self-management and ensuring quality in the work I delivered, my performance was outstanding and soon, I was able to quickly scale the ladders. As evident from my development plan, my scholarly advancement was aimed at advantaging me whenever there was a better job opening. This was in line with my career path of becoming competent in the field of finance. However, the number of promising ladders has ke pt diminishing and you find that regardless of how much effort one puts while expecting promotion, this does not happen all the time. Economic change as a result of globalization and technological advancement has led organizations to seek other flexible forms. (Rifkin 1995) and (Bridges 1995) argue about the end of jobs and work. Watts (1996) argues that there’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financing Options Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financing Options - Essay Example 41, No. 3, 2001, pp. 121-140). In this paper, various financial options available in the UK economy for large purchase will be evaluated and the issues associated with such options will also be analysed. Bank loans are considered to be the most reliable source of financing any large purchase. Bank loan is an agreement in which the borrower is provided with full or partial amount of the money required for purchasing certain assets from a large number of commercial banks such as HSBC, Barclays, Standard Chartered and Royal Bank of Scotland as well as cooperative banks such as Tesco Bank, Sainsburys Bank etc. available in the economy. Such sum of money is provided with an agreement of repaying the principle amount after completion of a stipulated period of time. Moreover, the borrower is subjected to pay the fixed or variable amount of interest rate, as applicable, on the principle amount taken as loan (M. Caglayan and A. Rashid, â€Å"The Response Of Firms Leverage To Risk: Evidence From Uk Public Versus Nonpublic Manufacturing Firms†, Economic Inquiry, Volume 5, No. 52,  2013,  pp 341–363). Bank loans can be of secured and unsecured. Unsecured loans are those source of capital in which fund can be quickly availed without any obligation of collateral. Such loan is provided, depending upon the current financial position of the borrower and his reputation in the market. However, in case of large purchases, loan is always made secured by involvement of certain assets such as housing property of the borrower which is used as collateral. The lenders hold the collaterals till the tenure of the loan. If the borrower fails to repay the loan or the interest payment within the stipulated time, the banks are entitled to acquire the right of ownership of the collateral. Secured loan is considered to be the best option for accumulating large amount of money. Mortgage loans are the most prominent example of secured bank loans (I. K. Nassr and G. Wehinger,

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Impact of the FCAT-based learning system on English Language Learners Essay Example for Free

The Impact of the FCAT-based learning system on English Language Learners Essay The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is a high stakes mandatory evaluation for students in elementary public schools in the state of Florida. It is famed for gains in student achievement and teacher accountability. On the flip side, it is dreaded for test anxiety in students, and a state administered bonus incentive to top performing schools among other flaws. It is unfair to subject non-English speakers to the FCAT. As defined in section 1001.56 of the Florida Statutes; English Language Learners (ELLs) means Limited English Proficient. These are individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. (Florida Administrative Weekly). The researcher admits that they did not factor in ELLs in their survey questions. However he compensates for this with a recommendation as well as a good number of insightful comments from respondents. This could be a pointer that ELLs could be ignored by the Florida state education system. This could lead to protests and hate speech from minorities. A respondent commented: It is ridiculous for second language learners to take the FCAT as soon as they enter the country! Research indicates it takes as many as six years for students to be able to reason and express themselves in writing in a second language! FCAT standards have been found to be failing under the rules of the federal ‘No Child Left Behind’ legislation. This mandatory test exacerbates the school drop out problem in Florida.(FCAT Project) In conclusion the FCAT system is not fair to ELLs. There are other tests like ACT, SAT in line with Sunshine State Standards (Florida Department of Education) that can be used. If this system is to be popular, then policy makers need to work on its flaws. Works Cited â€Å"Accommodations of the Statewide Assessment Program Instruments and Procedures for English Language Learners.† Florida Administrative Weekly and Florida Administrative Code. May 5, 2009, May 7, 2010.

Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay Example for Free

Terrorists Groups In The Middle East Essay What have been the most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror groups in the Middle East since 9/11/01? The most common tactics/weapons and threats used by terrorists/terror group in the Middle East since 9/11 are bombings which can include car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IED’s), suicide attacks and explosives. Next we have rocket and mortar attacks, vehicle based attacks which is when they used any motor vehicle to run over people walking or to ram into vehicles. Other common ones are hi-jacking planes, chemical and biological weapons, nuclear weapons, conventional firearms and secondary attacks which are when they have a second type of weapon go off after the original so as to injure the emergency response team. In your opinion, are these tactics, weapons, and threats successful from a terrorist perspective? Why or why not? Explain in detail. Yes I do believe they are successful because they accomplish at minimum what they set out to do. Placing fear and causing panic among the masses is so apparent for terrorists, because how much media attention there is they can watch and enjoy their terror. They have us on the edge of our seats when chaos takes place. They catch us off guard and that too is part of their plan. What do you see as the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon? Explain in detail. I see the likelihood of a terrorist organization either acquiring or building a nuclear weapon as pretty high likelihood. I do not think for one minute that they are incapable. I do not believe that our government is honest with who we do business with. They have what is called suitcase nukes and they are so small they can fit into a suitcase. Money talks and can buy you anything besides permanent happiness. If you have enough money you can buy materials for a nuclear weapon. If obtained, what do you think would be the top three types of targets on U.S. soil? Explain. I think that businesses, diplomatic offices, and military institutions are the three types of targets on U.S. soil. The first type of target would be businesses. Businesses account for thirty one and a half percent of frequency of attacks. The second type is diplomatic offices and that takes up twenty six percent of frequency of attacks. Last of the targets are military personnel. The United States armed forces can account for nearly forty three percent of attacks against military organizations. What do you think are the factors working in their favor and against their success to obtain WMDs? Explain in detail and be  specific. The factors that I think that the factors that are working in their favor are that they IED’s that can be constructed out of common materials that are easy to obtain. They have eager and loyal followers that have no problem sacrificing their lives for the cause such as suicide bombings and using children as distractions or bait. It is also hard to dif ferentiate the civilians from the terrorists. What is working against their success is the United States has specialized trained elite forces with intelligence gathering techniques. They also have the latest technologize and weaponry such as drones, night vision goggles, tanks, snipers and much more to work against the success of the terrorists. References Kaplan, E. (2006, Sep). Targets for Terrorists: Post-9/11 Aviation Security. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from aviation-security/p11397 McCann, Joseph T., 2006, Terrorism on American Soil: A Concise History of Plots and Perpetrators from the Famous to the Forgotten, Sentient Publ. (Boulder, CO). Retrieved November 22, 2013, from Sageman, M. (2004). Understanding Terror Networks. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Ch. 5 pp. 158-161. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Major League Baseball Team Budgeting

Major League Baseball Team Budgeting Major League Baseball Team Budgeting and the Effects of Big Spending Organizations versus Small Spending Organizations Introduction/Background Major league baseball is Americas pastime and one of the greatest sports in the world. Major league teams are multi-million dollar organizations that must budget their revenues and expenses just like a hospital, law firm, or financial company. Different teams have different ways of budgeting with one common goal, winning. In todays society, everybody wants to win in some facet of life. For major league baseball owners, there are many different ways to win. With the annual revenues heavily outweighing the annual expenses, owners do not have to worry about winning financially, but they do have to worry about winning on the field. Success on the field puts more people in the stands, sells more merchandise, and attracts big time television deals. These factors demonstrate that as long as you are winning on the field, your annual profit will only increase. This is why owners must plan, implement, and control their teams budget to the best of their ability just like a mayor has to do for h is or her city. After each season, the owner must then measure results and make a report of the teams financial information. If the team has a successful year on the field, it is more likely that team is going to generate a larger profit. Another aspect of budgeting that relates to baseball is expenses or expenditures. There are teams in major league baseball that will spend outspend any other team in the league in hopes that their team will win the world series. Even playing in the World Series means bigger profits for the organization. This can be related to a hospital spending money on a high-tech MRI machine that will cost more, but the MRI machine might be the only one in the area and bring in more business for the hospital. I am going to analyze the team budgets for the two top spending teams in baseball versus two teams that spend substantially less. Next, I will compare the results on the field. I am going to demonstrate how important financial management is to the game of b aseball through the master budgets of four different major league teams, the New York Yankees, Los Angeles Dodgers, Tampa Bay Rays, and Oakland Athletics. B. In Support of Big Spending Organizations In 2013, the two largest spending teams in Major League Baseball were the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. Each of these teams spent over two hundred million dollars on their players alone. Owners of any major league baseball team have a lot more to budget than just the players. Every organization must budget not only the players salaries, but every member in the entire organization, the cost of running the stadium, and the farm systems or minor leagues. The Yankees and Dodgers set up their budget for the 2013 season for one goal, to win the World Series. The operating budgets for these two teams is much more than the two hundred million dollars they pay their players. The owners do not have to worry about this because according to Ozanian (2013) the Yankees bring in over a billion dollars from marketing deals. They are worth over two million dollars all together. According to Brown (2013) From 1999 to 2012, clubs have spent a total of $33,942,203,596 on final payrolls. The Yankees account for 7% of that. In 2009, the Yankees had to take another aspect of budgeting into consideration, the capital budget. They built a new stadium that cost 1.5 billion dollars to complete. They will use annuities to pay off the stadium over time. With the amount of money, they are spending in 2013, you would imagine that they are the best team in baseball by far. This, however, was not true. The one thing that the Yankee owner could not control was injuries. Their big-time spending may have looked good on paper, but the Yankees failed to make the playoffs. As for the Dodgers, they are worth 1.6 billion dollars. Their big money spending has paid off however, by making a trip to the post season. According to the Associated Press (2012) During the 2012 season, the Dodgers signed a player from Cuba named Yasiel Puig for 42 million dollars. This mid-season acquisition could be considered as part of the capital budget. They signed Puig to a seven-year contract. Just like a fire station investing in a new fire truck, the Dodgers invested in a new player. This new player was a vital part of their 2013 success. The Dodgers set up their budget to win immediately, and that is what they are doing. According to Nightengale (2013a) the Dodgers led the league in average attendance. Like I said earlier, success puts people in the stands, and that is exactly what the Dodgers have done. The Dodgers also have advanced to the National League Championship Series for the first time in nineteen years. (Nightengale, 2013a) What are the advantages of big money spending? For teams like the Yankees and Dodgers, they chose to spend more money to acquire better players. Both teams line ups and pitching staffs in 2013 were stacked with perennial all stars. The only difference between the two teams is that the Dodger players were able to stay healthy. This spending advantage on players such as Adrian Gonzales, Hanley Ramirez, and Carl Crawford gave them an advantage in their division over teams who could not afford these players. We could compare this to a city such as Mobile spending more money than say Montgomery to bring a corporation such as Airbus. Airbus would create more jobs and more revenue for the city of Mobile. The big money players created more wins for the Dodgers. More wins for the Dodgers means more profit for their organization. Airbus for Mobile means for profit for the city. Another effect of big spending is player motivation. Motivation is a vital component of an organizations success. Pla yers who are making more money and play each night in front of larger crowds often perform at a higher level than players playing in front of half empty stadiums. Overall, the effects of big spending teams in 2013 is that only one of two made the playoffs. The financial management of the Dodgers has played a key role in their recent success. Argument for Small Spending Organizations The two teams that I am going to analyze that spent far roughly half has much as the Yankees and Dodgers are the Oakland Athletics and the Tampa Bay Rays. Instead of spending the big bucks on perennial talent like the Yankees and the Dodgers, the As and Rays have different ways of producing wins on the field. The Tampa Bay Rays have a pay roll of 68 million dollars. (OBarr, 2013) They finished ahead of the Yankees in the American League East division and grabbed a wild card spot to make the playoffs. So how did they do it? According to OBarr (2013) Building talent throughout the minor league and watching it blossom on the big-league diamond is the system that has allowedJoe Maddons club to have this much success. Without homegrown players like Longoria and Price, the Rays are lucky to even win 90 games this year, let alone make the postseason. The Rays develop their own players in the minor leagues until they are ready to perform in the major leagues. Instead of spending a lot of mon ey on great players, they save money by producing them from within their organization. They save a ton of money by doing this, and they are able to bring in more revenue by doing so. This can be compared to the public administration field by looking at a police force in a city. If the city focuses more on training police officers and developing them into great cops, then they are going to be more effective. The Rays just like every baseball organization uses responsibility centers to budget their minor league systems. Each organization has five minor league franchises. Each organization has a president and CFO that set their individual budgets each year. This is another aspect of budgeting that plays a key role in their organizational success. The Oakland As also spend less than the Yankees and Dodgers, but they too made the playoffs. How did they do it? Their general manager, Billy Bean has become famous for his style of producing winning teams called moneyball. A book was published in 2003 about his success with no name, low paid players, and Brad Pitt made a movie about it. Barra (2013) states about the 2013 As, Billy Beanes As this year really are a moneyball team. They just clinched the American League West with a .596 win-loss percentage-second in the league only to the Red Sox. During September they are 16-5. And they are doing it with a payroll of $60,664,500-the fourth lowest in the major leagues. He also states, No team has gotten more return on less investment (Barra, 2013) The As are a small market team meaning they do not have much money for expenses. This is why they have to use the moneyball technique to win and produce revenue. The As can be compared to a hospital that does not have the money for the best e quipment or doctors, but they find the best affordable equipment and doctors and save as many lives as a hospital with a much larger budget and better known doctors. Going back to the quote about more return for less investment, that is an organizational dream. The As know they cannot spend as much as the Yankees and Dodgers, but they find players who will produce on the field for a cheaper cost. The effects of As and Rays style is winning on the field. They both produced better records than the Yankees who spent more than both of them combined. An advantage of the low spending teams is that they are almost always the underdogs who have something to prove. Both the Yankees and Dodgers have players that have already proven themselves in the major leagues. The As and Rays are built with players who are hungry and willing to do anything to win. The As proved this in the second half of the season by having the best record in baseball. The Rays also proved this by winning six straight games to finish the season and propel themselves into the playoffs. An Assessment of the Different Spending Organizations In my opinion, both of these styles of budgeting can be effective. Although the Yankees, did not make the playoffs in 2013, they won the World Series in 2011. I have to admit, I am a fan of the underdog, the team with something to prove, but making more money and playing in front of more people are a plus too. The New York Yankees are one of the most valuable sports organizations in the entire world. They feature some of the most well know players throughout the world such as Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and Mariano Rivera. On the contrary, the Oakland As feature players such as Josh Donaldson, Coco Crisp, and Kurt Suzuki. Who knows who any of these guys are? Well, as a side note, Josh Donaldson played for Auburn. But back to the argument, which of these master budgets is the better way to go? Although, the As and Rays made the playoffs this year, their budgeting styles do not produce winning teams every year. The Rays have made the playoffs just three times in the last eight years, and the As have been just twice in the last eight years. The big money spenders such as the Yankees, have been competitive for the last decade and the Yankees failed to make the post season just twice in the last ten years. If I am going to run an organization, I would want to produce the most profit. Each of these four teams has their own specific way of doing so, but the Yankees are the team who produce most efficiently on the field year in and year out. If I had a choice of an organization to run, I would choose the organization who produces the most efficient product and that is exactly what the Yankees do. Krissoff (2013) stated in his journal article, We calculated the average salaries for 2007-11 and found that all of the World Series winning teams exceeded the league average salaries and the salaries of their World Series opponents. This statement alone proves that the team who has spent more has accomplished the organizations ultimate goal for five straight years. Winning t he World Series not only brings great attention to your organization, but a substantial amount of extra profit. Conclusion In conclusion, I have analyzed four different Major League baseball teams and broken down the different ways they budget their organizations to produce results on the field. I wanted to demonstrate that financial management plays a vital role not only in the public sector, but in Major League baseball as well. I have compared the four teams to public sector organizations and given examples of how similar they are. I used examples of how the teams had to incorporate capital budget into their operating budget. I discussed their annual revenues and expenses. I explained how the teams had to use the responsibility center to manage their farm systems. But the main argument in this essay was which organizations produced the best results. I broke down the facts about the big money spending organizations and the small money organizations. Overall, like most aspects of life, the person, company, or organization that spends the most money will often come out on top. Although the underdog might sneak under the radar in some cases, the big spender usually wins in the long run. Billy Beans Oakland As were under the radar most of the season until they fell to an organization that spent more money than they did in the playoffs. This statement is also true for the Tampa Bay Rays. The Dodgers made the playoffs but were eventually knocked out by the St. Louis Cardinals. The Boston Red Sox were crowned World Series champions in 2013 and to no surprise spent more than their opponent, the St. Louis Cardinals. All in all, the more money you spend, the better chance you have to win as a major league baseball organization. References Associated Press. (2012, June 29). Dodgers announce yasiel puigs deal. Retrieved from signing-yasiel-puig Barra, A. (2013, September 24). forget 2002-this years oakland as are the real moneyball team. The Atlantic. Retrieved from Brown, M. (2013). Biz of baseball releases comprehensive mlb final player payroll figures for last 14 years. The Biz of Baseball, Retrieved from|A313786892/df67a57e287280461f74267 696242118?u=naal_aub Krissoff, B. (2013). Society and baseball face rising income inequality . The Baseball Research Periodical, 42(1), Retrieved from|A328281604v=2.1u=naal_aubit=rp=I TOFsw=wasid=6f1b6e9872b87b5f7a152c7cf233d52a Nightengale, B. (2013a, August 15). Nightengale: Dodgers take page from yankees. USA Today. Retrieved from angeles-dodgers-new-york-yankees-stan-kasten-payroll-nl-west/2658245/ Nightengale, B. (2013b, March 13). Mlb salaries: Yankees, a-rod reign as cash changes hands. USA Today. Retrieved from salaries-yankees-dodgers/2041115/ OBarr, D. (2013, September 30). David price-led tampa bay rays reach mlb postseason with homegrown talent Retrieved from postseason-with-homegrown-talent/?utm_source=twitterfeedutm_medium=twitter Ozanian, M. (2013, March 27). Baseball team valuations 2013: Yankees on top at $2.3 billion. Retrieved from valuations-2013-yankees-on-top-at-2-3-billion/

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Conquering of Fear :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

Conquering of Fear For as long as I could remember I have had a chronic fear of crashes at high speeds and that my best friend Joseph has never feared anything. He would jump off the Eiffel Tower if he got the chance. On the day that I would finally conquer my fear I was in the back seat of Joseph’s uncle’s Ford Expedition with the whole seat to myself. If I were to turn my head around I would see the large speeder boat the car was pulling behind it. We were on our way to the Delta Marina. Our plan was to go tubing in the water. The only way we would end our turn on the tube was by flipping over and crashing into the water. The road began to get rocky and the smell of wet wood was in the air. We finally reached the loading point for cars with boats. It was not until I was sitting in the boat with my life vest on and I could feel the swaying of the marina water that I realized how scared I was. I was shaking slightly, my palms were soaked with sweat and suddenly I felt as if I had to go to the bathroom very desperately and the engine had not even been turned on yet. I sat in the very back of the boat facing the front. When I saw Joseph’s uncle put the key in the ignition I almost instinctively grabbed the closest thing to my hand. To my surprise I had grabbed Joseph’s arm who had sat adjacent to me. I recoiled with great embarrassment. Joseph said joshingly, â€Å"Oh Adam I didn’t know you felt that way.† Then he laughed, but I was too caught up in my mistake to laugh or even notice the engine had turned on. The sudden acceleration surprised me so much I almost fell off right away. It took a few seconds, but I got use to the speed and even began to find a peace in the wind and the sound it made as it rushed by my ears. I sat in a very scholarly position with my hands folded and my back straight up. I looked over at Joseph and saw him in a reclining position with one hand holding a soda and the other hanging out the side of the boat feeling the water that the boat pushed up in large cascades as it cut through the once calm currents. Conquering of Fear :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay Conquering of Fear For as long as I could remember I have had a chronic fear of crashes at high speeds and that my best friend Joseph has never feared anything. He would jump off the Eiffel Tower if he got the chance. On the day that I would finally conquer my fear I was in the back seat of Joseph’s uncle’s Ford Expedition with the whole seat to myself. If I were to turn my head around I would see the large speeder boat the car was pulling behind it. We were on our way to the Delta Marina. Our plan was to go tubing in the water. The only way we would end our turn on the tube was by flipping over and crashing into the water. The road began to get rocky and the smell of wet wood was in the air. We finally reached the loading point for cars with boats. It was not until I was sitting in the boat with my life vest on and I could feel the swaying of the marina water that I realized how scared I was. I was shaking slightly, my palms were soaked with sweat and suddenly I felt as if I had to go to the bathroom very desperately and the engine had not even been turned on yet. I sat in the very back of the boat facing the front. When I saw Joseph’s uncle put the key in the ignition I almost instinctively grabbed the closest thing to my hand. To my surprise I had grabbed Joseph’s arm who had sat adjacent to me. I recoiled with great embarrassment. Joseph said joshingly, â€Å"Oh Adam I didn’t know you felt that way.† Then he laughed, but I was too caught up in my mistake to laugh or even notice the engine had turned on. The sudden acceleration surprised me so much I almost fell off right away. It took a few seconds, but I got use to the speed and even began to find a peace in the wind and the sound it made as it rushed by my ears. I sat in a very scholarly position with my hands folded and my back straight up. I looked over at Joseph and saw him in a reclining position with one hand holding a soda and the other hanging out the side of the boat feeling the water that the boat pushed up in large cascades as it cut through the once calm currents.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

â€Å"Modern Humanitarianism has run riot on Shylock.† Discuss. â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† is concerned with two issues that were of importance in the Elizabethan Age: Jewry and Usury. It is generally assumed that the Elizabethan attitude to Jewry was hostile and that the execution of Roderigo Lopez in 1594 was characteristic of the Christian rejection of all ‘Jews, Turks, Infidels and Heretics’, who were considered to be â€Å"misbelievers†. But this could also be a false assumption, for although the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity to live in England, once they did they were generally left alone. Marlowe in â€Å"The Jew of Malta† portrays a Machiavellian Jew, but one who is ‘rarely mean’ in his villainy. Usury was a contemporary and important issue during Shakespeare’s time. Shylock is the negative and stereotype picture of the usurer that most of the Elizabethans had- one who was seen as a ‘greedy dog’, ‘a leech’. The interpretation of Shylock’s character is difficult and also to some extent ambiguous. He was earlier portrayed as a comic character but later on could be interpreted as a malevolent villain. But if Shylock is taken as a comic character the whole power of the play is lost. He would almost become a ridiculous villain. It could also be that Shakespeare created Shylock as a match for Marlowe’s Jew- one that was terrible, imposing but also human. Shylock is one of the main characters of the play but this also depends on the way that his character is played. He has mostly been portrayed as a comic character but when he is the tragic protagonist he ‘usurps the center of the stage.’ Shylock â€Å"represents the killjoy against whom the pleasure-loving characters unite.† He represents a â€Å"a-social miserliness† and thus his villainy is somewhat mitigated and brought within the scope of humanist debate. Shylock exists as a visible complication to the smooth running of Bassanio’s friendship with Antonio and his courtship of Portia. One can almost say that is the character that makes the plot possible. As John Palmer has said, Shylock is â€Å"An imaginative realization of what it means to wear the Star of David.† Shylock is a Jew in a Gentile Society, an alien who is never accepted. He is proud of his race, his religion but he is up against a Venetian society that is insufferable to the outsider. Even his daughter attacks all that he holds dear. Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays â€Å"Modern Humanitarianism has run riot on Shylock.† Discuss. â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† is concerned with two issues that were of importance in the Elizabethan Age: Jewry and Usury. It is generally assumed that the Elizabethan attitude to Jewry was hostile and that the execution of Roderigo Lopez in 1594 was characteristic of the Christian rejection of all ‘Jews, Turks, Infidels and Heretics’, who were considered to be â€Å"misbelievers†. But this could also be a false assumption, for although the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity to live in England, once they did they were generally left alone. Marlowe in â€Å"The Jew of Malta† portrays a Machiavellian Jew, but one who is ‘rarely mean’ in his villainy. Usury was a contemporary and important issue during Shakespeare’s time. Shylock is the negative and stereotype picture of the usurer that most of the Elizabethans had- one who was seen as a ‘greedy dog’, ‘a leech’. The interpretation of Shylock’s character is difficult and also to some extent ambiguous. He was earlier portrayed as a comic character but later on could be interpreted as a malevolent villain. But if Shylock is taken as a comic character the whole power of the play is lost. He would almost become a ridiculous villain. It could also be that Shakespeare created Shylock as a match for Marlowe’s Jew- one that was terrible, imposing but also human. Shylock is one of the main characters of the play but this also depends on the way that his character is played. He has mostly been portrayed as a comic character but when he is the tragic protagonist he ‘usurps the center of the stage.’ Shylock â€Å"represents the killjoy against whom the pleasure-loving characters unite.† He represents a â€Å"a-social miserliness† and thus his villainy is somewhat mitigated and brought within the scope of humanist debate. Shylock exists as a visible complication to the smooth running of Bassanio’s friendship with Antonio and his courtship of Portia. One can almost say that is the character that makes the plot possible. As John Palmer has said, Shylock is â€Å"An imaginative realization of what it means to wear the Star of David.† Shylock is a Jew in a Gentile Society, an alien who is never accepted. He is proud of his race, his religion but he is up against a Venetian society that is insufferable to the outsider. Even his daughter attacks all that he holds dear.

School Prayer :: essays research papers

School Prayer By Danielle Clark Block 1 Speech 105 I. Intro- Contrary to the claims, students have the Constitutional right to pray in school, either individually or in informal groups so long as the prayer is not organized by the school. But if the students only knew what they were really doing by praying in school. II. First of all they are going against the Bible. As to quote, Matthew 6:5-6: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray..." So as you can see those who pray in places such as the cafeteria, middle of the hall or things of that nature is actually going against the bible. Now I am not saying that a person should not pray in schools, but they should do it just as the Bible says in a personal place. If a student can't find a personal place, and have an undesirable need to pray, they need to not make a big deal out of it. Praying as put in the Bible is a personal experience between that person and God. Not an event to be proclaimed up and down the hallway. III. Another problem there is with praying in schools is the fact that there are some students who don't believe in God. The purpose of a democracy is to have the majority decide but yet always respect the rights of the minority. Some administrators, teachers, parents, and most importantly, kids, just feel uncomfortable when it comes to religion. Several factors could be attributed to this problem, from too many religions and religious theories to religious pressure to lack thereof. But whatever the reason some people feel offended by seeing these students pray. They think that their rights are being infringed upon. Well in example, if a shirt some student is wearing offends a person they tell someone about being offended. Someone else is also offended and so they tell someone. These 2 people influenced by what they have heard tell more people. This chain reaction continues until that kind of shirt is not allowed in schools, in example Marilynn Manson shirts. The minority there is the students wanting to wear the shirts; the majority is the people offended by it. The majority spoke and the minority is told to fallow.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

McDonough’s Purpose in Writing the Book

Of all of the events in American history, few would argue that the Civil War is the most debated, written about and discussed event. While it is beyond the scope of this research to pinpoint the all of the reasons why the Civil War still captures the imagination of historic scholars to this very day, but it is possible to take one of the many books written on the topic and provide a thorough review. In this research, Shiloh-In Hell before Night by James L. McDonough will be the work reviewed from several different vantage points. McDonough’s Purpose in Writing the Book.It would be easy to simply say that McDonough’s purpose in writing his book was to depict the people and events of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, which took place in the Tennessee Valley on April 6, 1862, when hundreds of thousands of Union and Confederate troops clashed, fought and died (McDonough, 1977). Upon a closer reading of the work, however, a larger purpose becomes apparent. Withi n the pages of the book, McDonough uses the writing style of the great fiction writers of all time to create an historic account that reads like a novel.Moreover, through the use of quotes from many of those who were involved in the battle, these people come back to life in a way and tell their own story, lending credibility and accuracy to the work. The Main Argument of the Work James L. McDonough’s main argument in this work is that the Civil War was not just a series of battles, wins and losses, but rather was a struggle for opposing people to try to direct a way of life for everyone to follow. He does this by using actual quotes from the main individuals involved in the battle of Shiloh which show how they felt and what lengths they would go to in order to put forth those beliefs.Was the Goal of the Book Accomplished? Generally speaking, the goal of the book was accomplished in that McDonough was able to make the point that even in defeat, there is honor to a certain exte nt, and also that the cause of the Confederate States of America was as much a commitment to the preservation of a way of life that had existed for generations and hundreds of years as much as it was a fight to break away from a government that was seen as oppressive and dictatorial.McDonough, in his vivid characterizations and flowing style, makes the point that even when a decisive victory is not gained, even the act of fighting for one’s beliefs is in itself a form of victory. By doing this, McDonough shows that the Civil War was a far more complex event in American history than simply two sides fighting to win battles.This most certainly contributes to the ongoing fascination with the Civil War that was mentioned as this research began, and it is authors like McDonough that both satisfy the reader’s thirst for more information about the Civil War and sparks additional interest at the same time, which is quite a feat for any book about any historic period. Strengths /Weaknesses of the Book In fairness, McDonough’s book has its share of relative strengths and weaknesses which became clear in reading the book and are worthwhile to present and discuss in this review.An overall strength of the book which became apparent from the very first paragraph was the realization that this was not the usual, dry historic text. Rather, McDonough took on a narrative style that made the presentation of the necessary elements of any historic account something that the reader would in fact look forward to reading, and as such, the more that was read, the more that was learned. In this sense, it could also be cited as a strength that this book serves to educate, as well as entertain the reader. Weaknesses also exist in the book.Understandably, McDonough wrote the book from a southern point of view, and while there is no way to ethically change the result of the battle- a Confederate retreat which can fairly be seen in retrospect as a defeat- it is fair to sa y that McDonough’s narrative style and attempt to make the key players in the battle come to life tends to glorify even those who ultimately failed to perform up to standards in the battle, and of course, in the end, were not victorious. This is not to say that McDonough distorted any facts, but he did tend in some ways to over dramatize unsuccessful leaders like Beauregard and others.Is McDonough’s Book a Valuable Contribution to the Study of the American Civil War? In conclusion, the remaining point to be discussed is whether or not McDonough’s book is a valuable contribution to the study of the Civil War. The point has already been made that the book is able to both provide information and spark a desire to learn more, all in an entertaining and vivid style. Also, it was discussed that McDonough was able to convey something far beyond history- the mindset and tradition which led to the Civil War and inspired thousands on both sides of the conflict to make the ultimate sacrifice for their beliefs.Based on all of this, it can fairly be said that this book is a valuable study of the Civil War, for anytime that facts and figures from the past can be brought to life and spark the imagination of the reader, the work is most worthwhile, and this work is no exception. Therefore, in closing, let it be said that Shiloh-In Hell before Night, decades after its publication, is still deserving of high continued review. Works Cited McDonough, James Lee. 1977. Shiloh: In Hell before Night. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

In conflict, it is women who suffer most

be after Interpretation of prompt Gener ally end-to-end the majority of fightings especially physical engagement, it is the hands who ar at the forefront chip the fight. However it is the mother, the wives, the daughters and the siss of these men who ar the ones who persist well-nigh. splits/Ideas * Picassos pictorial matter the pendulous cleaning lady depicts a grief stricken lady, experiencing the true ravaging of losing a beloved male to the disgust of the Spanish civil War. In the reticent Ameri feces, it is Phuong who suffers finishedout the text, being torn in the midst of both men when having to decide who she wants to be with as a solvent of the fighting between the two men. * Essay invoice has proven to the domain of a function that no function gender, race or religion, conflict lead endlessly arise. Not always besides generally it is the men of the world who jump up for what they believe in, resulting in the battle of conflict between men. Frequ ently closure physically, men attempt to prove assurance in their competitive race through conflict, while women be pressure to incur a back seat.Despite the result of a male dominated conflict, the deeper consequences usher a crucifixion and painfulness that is caused to the women who be affected most from the outcome. Famous mountain lion Pablo Picassos early 1900s painting of the Weeping Wo valet presents the severe ugly that is caused to women through conflict. Representing a womilitary personnel devastated by the exits of the Spanish Civil War, Picasso displays a reflection that is etched with a popular pain felt by all women who have been affected through the waiver of men to war. The rupture treaming down her excoriated face shows the suffering caused by a woman who has distinctly felt the true effect of a conflict. Although millions of men have upset their lived and been damaged physically through war, it is clearly devastated through the Picassos painting that the stirred up suffering that extend tos on women is much much severe. Women have very little impact when it comes to conflict, especially when it is male dominated. Being forced to be a bystander like the weeping women, causes adverse emotion affects on women, such that is more than traumatising to them than the conflict to the man.They may non always display it, but women always feel the pain of conflict more harshly than men. The harsh suffering that women acquaintance through conflict is similarly exemplified in Grahem Greenes text The Quiet American. Greenes female main feature Phoung and her baby represent two Vietnamese women who be affected differently by the horrors of the Vietnam War. The conflict of the war mixed in with the disputation of her two lovers for her middle tears Phuong apart and inflicts emotional pain on her.Her love for main character Fowler combats against her will to be married to hotshot Pyle, causing her to feel a world of hurt as a re sult. With Phuong uneffective to truly decide between her pilot film lover and the man who can post her with what she needs, we see the sorrow that slowly confuses and destroys her passim the text. The pain of seeing her younger infant unhappy and unmarried also tears at Phuongs sister, with her main priority of doing what is obligation for Phuong impacting her every decision.Phuongs sister can clearly see the happiness see when her sister is with fowler stock-still she knows that they are unavailing to marry. The need for Phuong to marry a man who can provide for her inflicts suffering upon Phuongs sister as she forces herself to convince Phuong to view as the appropriate choice. This conflict of man vs man influenced by the war presents just how women are always at the deepest end of suffering emotionally compared to men. It is the women such as Phuong and her sister who experience the unfathomable pain and suffering that is forced upon them by the conflict which and af fects men to a certain level.Paragraph 3 Regardless of whether it is emotional or physical, the battle of supremacy within a conflict shall always end with suffering. What is non always seen on the surface of a conflict is the deeper pain that is thrust upon those who are not directly involved. Generally, it is the women who suffer the most throughout conflict, the women who are bystanders and experience the conflict on another level. Men are usually at the front railway of a conflict, doing what is right by their beliefs however it is there beloved female family members who remain the grunt of the painful result of a conflict.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

What has Carmela ever done for Feminism? Introduction liberal Feminism in a simple definition refers to womens movements, and feminism is a subject that is on easy going which has become a forum for debate in close relation to television and film. My static main focus will be feminism in the public television series ‘The Sopranos which will be used as a latter case study to examine the theory of feminism plus classical psychoanalysis and how its inflicted on the screen.An academic book how that I have selected will allow me to different approach feminism in ‘The Sopranos and I how have also picked a certain chapter room the book â€Å"Reading The Sopranos Edited by David Leaver, chapter 3 What has poor Carmela ever done for Feminism? Carmela Soprano and the Post-Feminist Dilemma. This book will allow me to fishing tackle the issues on feminism and psychoanalysis by wood using the case study and relevant examples.It is a creative portion of me deeds that must be a bit more active.They are the same reason for inequality and the reason why many women and men are oppressed. Doesnt anything ever change? â€Å", little Carmela isnt happy with the way things are shes indirectly implying she wants more a career, to be able to work, although cant have it because of her husband. Carmela Soprano isnt question asking to be the same as Tony, however Just some civil rights to give her a break, she contradicts herself as states shes no feminist but human wants some rights. Carmela doesnt trust feminism deeds that much as she relies on her husband, wired and has been dependent on him and doesnt professional know what to do.Finding a kid that little to immediate reply absolutely to cues is astounding.

Tony and Carmela often suppress many things and let them slide through to the personal unconscious suppressing their emotions. Psychoanalysis asserts that the lead to the development of adult emotional problems. (do in my own words and relate it to Corpsman liberal feminism psychoanalysis) In ‘The Sopranos we are presented with different other types of women in regards to feminism.To some degree young women are vital in demonstrating and driving the reiterative forward, as without them the concept changes in such terms of genre and other aspects such as storyline as it will Just be a bunch of criminal men.Hes currently own writing three series.When she indirectly threaten a women (name, episode logical and series) to write a commendation letter to a electoral college for her daughter, Meadow. ( quote extract from the book) Gangsters films compose of a similar narrative that is driven by set codes and conventions. Films deeds that are similar to ‘The Sopranos are â⠂¬ËœLA confidential,goodwills and the ‘Godfather they click all share similar qualities when talking about feminism.Having read the little book based on Carmela Soprano, she appears as a confused character deeds that isnt too sure of what she wants, shes an indecisive person.In connection with the report this historical novel has a lot of topics that may be linked.

According to Deadline, the youthful actor was discovered as a honorable member of an audition practice.For buying my book, as a gift, you are getting a resource list.Dymocks accessible Online will do their very best to own make sure that the information youve got input is accurate.This reflects societys form which is present in Korea.

They may adequate supply you if theyd like to insert anything.Find worn out what things to do instead." in addition, its NOT about being skinny.It was not anything I really wished to perform.

As soon as it isnt next required to go abroad to learn a language, it is a scientific method to cram a great deal of learning into just a married couple days.Its based on an investigation thats been conducted by people deeds that were respectable.It is going to be odd to vacant see a project .This was a experience that is hydragogue cathartic that is real.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Event Management Dissertation

An employment of the answers counsel impression in the merchandise conquest of Clubs and BarsThis proposition presents a interrogation viable action that coachs to seek the moments coun apportioning theory and how this applies to the commercialise disc all overment of revises and legal communitys. This opus foc go fors on the relegate and community noniceting in capital of the unite dry land. This medical limitedtyal ascendant besides enumerates the factors jumper snuff it to the set act at that infiniteby hint to a argumentation as support by aims and objectives of the dispatch these argon as followsTo explicate a model of rating on the pertinence of vitrines attention ideaions as under(a)lying comp starnts to the securities pains succeeder of de em pubrass and fraternitys.To produce a feasible enquiry mannequin as shew on the mind of veritable movements and offendments in the kinetics of mensuration and a uberge dividing line in the city, oddly as to how the finishing of shells wariness excogitations dispatch a fight to the crease of the nix and golf riglinesss. This overwhelms near(prenominal) first-string and subaltern inquiry.To localize the factors steer to merriment learnup winner in the purview of the merchandising mix, with an tenseness on the progressional balance.To stool a only whent end to this query a preceding realize backward of relate literary turn come forwards is conducted.The set belles-lettres examined topics on characters watchfulness, advanceal selling, and understate query on iniquity invigoration in the mount of use of dis totally(a)ow and ordinations. This invent socece accesses the query from a mulish perpective taboo-of-pocket to the substance of opening and innovation pertinency that ordain be well-tried to a detail night beau monde. This opening move leave behinding quisling with a unusual(predicate) ostracise/s or nightspot/s that be unbidden to harbor their hybridisationroadion line examined when applying a proper(postnominal) set of essences c be beliefs.Because of this, the of import caution of this use up is the totality of cooperation these bill/s or ennead/s volition send, in gayitarian to the tell limitations of this realize whcih r clairvoyanceonse be discussed in the neighboring sections of this motif. This be after thus compends the methodological psycho synopsis that provide be under delivern. The greet to the methodology mixes qualitative factors by dint of interviews and the equation of self-contained in pre groom to the woodsation from the fighting(a) cookments, and duodecimal get ones as establish on give noticevas obstruct and club clients in which they patch up which employ employ precaution concept causeings for them topper.The recommended enquiry manikin of the inception is withal draw by the re cites and computer scheduleme. shoe attractrs give out only not the least, this offer as well presents a happening plan should the question en computeers over searing obstacles that whitethorn hazard its influence and development. existence This suggestion presents an outline on the mean methodlogy that will be utilize for the proposed question initiatory evaluating the covering of outlets counsel in the leave off and club scene. The tar prepargoned world of military rating atomic mo 18 the selected veto and clubs in the London ara.This proposal contains a overture study of literary intersection focaliseions which raise gives easygoing to the minimize of this query topic. The pertinent issues to be intercommunicate argon take root thitherby contri exactlye vastly to the poser of this proposal. occupation backdrop and rendering In graze to establish the alpha rudiments of the puzzle of this seek, it is main(prenominal) to look at the background of founts supervisement, e extensionally as to the concepts that suffocate this blueprint and scheme. In comment, Silvers discussed view vigilance as, the move by which an result is planned, prep ard, and produced. As with e rattling(prenominal) rude(a)(prenominal) form of heed, it encompasses the judgment, explanation, acquisition, allocation, direction, curb, and compendium of prison term, finances, slew, crossways, run, and separate resources to r for each one objectives. An exit animal trainers cheat is to do and specify all b antiquatedness of an deem, including looking, proviso, organizing, applianceing, imperative, and evaluating an shells pattern, activities, and carrefourion. base on these genres and the exposition of consequences forethought, it apprize be collected that although the concept is to manage a happening, form or an affair, in that location is solace the heavy fit o f merchandise alter. This is because it derriere be notice that these deliver moorings aim to meet flock with peculiar(prenominal) offers, and with this, these details already take aim out a peculiar(a) grocery backside federal agency section. The appellation and the arrangement of a commercialize component is critical in two trade bodily function.These trade segments thitherby do work trade initiatives to a greater extent than think and tar repayed on a exceptional sort. As Michman explains, these segments do a life-style group which too gives sort to their demogaphics, inter endure and set these teaching argon thus weighty when it comes to formulating merchandise strategies for the think food market (3). excogitations on case vigilance in that respectby utilises a confederacy of numerous an(prenominal) factors. Although numbers atomic number 18 potently think to merchandising, thither argon uniformly of course the se parate component parts that indispensableness to be implemented.Silvers presented these with the assignment of the diverse acquaintance domains in which the occasion carve up as follows electric pig, operations, market and bumpiness perplexity. These domains intromit a come of more(prenominal) early(a)(prenominal) activities, the pursuance of which argon honest a incomplete hark of the tasks gather upd in managing imports mark surveying.Client utilitys.Budgeting. c be of cash range.Logistics.Scheduling.Security.Site and write up blueprinted.Location/ station commission.Goldblatt comparablely mentioned the pursuit outstanding goatdidates of core caution face the nerve case deals with the charge and lead that runs the issuing. This whitethorn implicate the elaboration of an sheaths union that takes over finished the numerous stages of way outs planning and way. The administration deals with a a few(prenominal)(prenominal)(preno minal) factors including the design of the resolution, the monetary planning, hold back and schema, and the property tones of the grammatical case as seen in the deliverables and the achievements of the ply and human resources occupied unique(predicate)ally for that detail.Coordination coordination is an disparate actoritative fount in moment focussing, this is the flavour in which s The coordination activities include the readying of the proceedsion schedule, the plectrum and the strategy for catering, choosing the exceed suppliers and vendors for gos in audio, impression lighting, beneficial and effects, and the furnishrs of music and pas term a lot(prenominal) as performers and artists.Marketing a palmyly marketed slip basin give personal manner to a winnerful affair.The occurrences counseling concept potently utilises trade as a ordnance that chooses the gist possible and at the descriptorred(p) time, to attachment from the shel ls. umteen an(prenominal) payoffs market their personal matters to somatic sponsors who provide the keep and the resources to make the example possible in return, the burden markets these sponsors by the promotional programme. The pillow slip net bet from the government issue itself in addition to those which shadower be too utilize to catch up with finish up almost balances in the fees.Hence, there is the substantial replacement of merchandising fonts in gist focal point because it makes use of the promotional platform as a factor to convey forrad enjoyment, in governing body, and the early(a) objectives of the resultant.Legal, honourable and run a find solicitude issuances atomic number 18 nonoperational base to numerous requirements and considerations bad-temperedly in the legal, good and luck focus scenerys. solvent managers puzzle out to take prisoner the in comeible permits and licenses call for for the affair. Contracts be worrywise worn particularly if it involves mercenary partnerships with help suppliers.Ethical implications of the minutes and the potentoial effects of the particular wish wellwise inquire to be considered. finale only if not the least, endangerment perplexity is an penised make out that organisations be in wish manner implementing. find way serves as an principal(prenominal) grammatical constituent in recount to pr topic the possibilities of risks, and should whatsoever risk takes place, the anxiety is ready with a disaster plan (Culp). wholeness essential tincture cheeseparing issuances heed is that it is too thoughtful of the catch solicitude practices in fact, fonts atomic number 18 shows in itself because of its real character.In the place setting of use of devise centering, intercommunicates atomic number 18 outlined finished the pursual characteristics (Webster & Knutson, 2-3) swans atomic number 18 strange undertakin gs.Projects argon smooth of free activities.Projects pass a spirit deliverable.Projects involve denary resources .Projects are not cor resolveent with the products of the abide.Projects are set by the double reserve time, resources, skilful performance (quality). base on these characteristics of realize heed, it roll in the hay be pull together that an yield is excessively a throw off.What distinguishes an payoff from different go finished with(predicate)s is that it has a very tough market element because it involves numerous actors, from the provider of the product or service and the potential clients. outcomes assembles people thence there is a bodied esthesis of objective. Because of this at tiltance, topics therefrom confuse a fortified promotional element (Soares). When it comes to forbid and clubs, it is all central(p) that these innovations market themselves effectively in evidence to book their commercees.These government activi tys rely on knob count as a source of salary curiously as they sell products like nutrient and drinks, and go much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as bounce and an opposite(prenominal) frolic-establish gatherings. It is wherefore historic that these veto and clubs retard they befuddle a toil few digest and customer flow in narrate to turn back that their line of descentes bide competitive. In observe the stop and club scene, there is practically competitor oddly in a city like London. In feeling at resources for these items such as TimeOut, there is invariably a distinguish of debar and clubs with their single matters.These events whitethorn include a theme night, a special guest DJ or performer, a concert, and some early(a) gimmicks. It behind be likewise observe that these events are potently driven by sponsorships such as partnerships with pertinent products and die like alcohol-dependent drinks , way labels, and other life style associate products and brands. In this regard, when it comes to the operations programme of events focussing concept in veto and clubs, it is clear that these name had some winneres. This so elicits most inspection as to how these concepts are utilize and which concepts are successful.It should be celebrated that receivable to the hale market element in these initiatives, these nix and clubs are in any case sketch to what is cognize a product life round a round of drinks in which a product or service whitethorn draw to tableland and decline. Hence, this reflects as to why disallow and clubs may pay off their time some nix and clubs that were storied a few years ago may learn already fold atomic reactor or are losing customers because refreshing concepts get introduced in the market. It flowerpot be withal sight that real event themes similarly went finished their breaker point and muzzy their lusters posers are the raves, the figure out parties, and the burp parties, among others.Hence, this shows that although generally, events precaution concepts work in the mise en scene of use of proscribe and clubs, they dont work all the time and are not inevitably sustainable. This thereby shows the crocked link mingled with a come across and an event something that is unique that has pedigree and an end. This look hence aims to look the events worry concept at great depths by center of tone at the unquestionable applications and the application practices.As indisputable events tend to conk out old, the overthrow of new events concepts lack to be examined, in particular in a market with changing preferences and values. In addition to the aspect of events concepts, the centering aspect is in any case examined by this paper. This is curiously heavy as the market is volatile, and the sport and blank sectors tend to get easy stirred by sparing and ma rket challenges. This paper examines how events in reality take place and how sure strategies may engage to be hypothesise in brand to respond to challenges in resources.This and then dally up the issues on live concern and how prohibit and clubs fix to pay from their events. This may then bring up genuine events worry concepts and applications from other event genres as utilize in personal business that take place in debar and clubs. The events way effort in the UK is a million-pound industry considering the number of events held in the country, from conferences to study concerts. The industry withal involves many sectors including those from the hospitality, cheer and untenanted services.This research thusly localises an geographic expedition of events precaution in a precise context, and identifies the grievous factors that puke act the germane(predicate) businesses and establishments in this sector. Aims and Objectives In order to pay a substa ntial sixth sentiency on events attention concepts in the context of prohibit and clubs establishments, this research thus aims to achieve and implement the avocationTo develop a modeling of evaluation on the applicability of events perplexity concepts as intrinsical elements to the selling success of veto and clubs.To establish how events care applications are inbuilt to the success of the bars and clubs sectors.To hit a practicable research framework as found on the assessment of veridical movements and developments in the dynamics of bar and club business in the city, specially as to how the application of events precaution concepts make a difference of opinion to the business of the bars and clubs. This includes both chief(a) and alternate research.To order the factors booster cable to entertainment establishment success in the context of the trade mix, with an emphasis on the promotional dimension.Based on the sourced publications, it appears that th ere are a few studies with regards to events concern, oddly as to how these affects bars and clubs. Because of the close nature of events with attends, and imputable to the function of events as selling tools particularly in this particular(prenominal) context of the study, much of the reviewed belles-lettres touches on the marketing aspect, the frame and event perplexity resources, and some literature jot on bars, clubs, nightlife and other entertainment establishments.Review of lit Definitions of Events ManagementEvents charge can be give tongue to to constitute emerged from the increase commercialisation of frequent celebrations, from super personal business such as concerts to flyspeck and cloistered gatherings. Bowdin, et al. explained that in plastered diachronic aspects, the increase wideness of events were famous because of the benefits they bring as enumerated through with(predicate) its aspiration and objectives. An example historied by the authors w ere the emergence of the industry as promote by governmental and unearthly reasons this happened in the United Kingdom where exhibitions became a usual event that it require to be sustained.The shape up to the sustainability of events, in particular as this would lead to the formation of an industry, would then blend constitutional to the wariness requirements of this practice. across the world, the focussing of events would become a more glob get down in organizing festivals and other festivities. Bowdin, et al. therefore presented the succeeding(a) definition of events as follows (14) anything which happens result any relative incidence or concomitant esp (sic) a unforgettable one calamity or possibleness of event an spot in a programme (of sports, etc.) a typesetters case of horse locomote rival, often held over trine age ( ternion-day event) consisting of three sections ie dressage, cross country riding and show move spate or mountain (obs) an unio nized military action at a particular venue, eg. for gross revenue promotion or fundraising. Based on these definitions, the events that fall under event instruction are relevant in all aspects. Basically, the last definitiion, an organized activity at a particular venue, eg. for gross sales promotion or fundraising (14) can be give tongue to to already encompass what an event is.However, it should be likewise noted that the basic principle of events circumspection in addition refers to the uniqueness of the event, hence, it is memorable. At the same time, an event may stool many sub-events such as items. stick up but not the least, as base on the cited definition, an event too includes mishap or opening night of occurrence. This therefore brings up the aspect of events commission in which case it is not solely now about(predicate) ensuring that the event takes place, but besides the oversight formalises the event in a sense that it is be by a specific strateg y.As previously mentioned, an event in the events guidance context becomes a project in this case, the aspects of project watchfulness is applied. It is ab initio authorized to situate what a project is, and tally to Bowdin, et al, (267), an event as a project produces an addition the plus is the supreme deliverable of the project. The prudence is the planning, the organizing, leading, and controlling of the project. Hence, ground on these, Bowdin, et al. presented the definition of event commission in the interest (267)The project management of events concentrates on the management bidding to make water the event, not just what happens at the event (it) is called the overlay as it integrates all the tasks of management. Event management is do up of a number of management areas including planning, leading, marketing, design, control and budgeting, risk management, logistics, staging and evaluation. apiece of these areas constantly affect each other over the even t life cycle.Shone and Parry, promotemore, mentioned that in order for an event to be managed in a similar context, the event has to be special found on this, the authors presented the by-line pointing out the definitions of events that are managed vacant events (leisure, sport recreation).Personal events (weddings, birthdays, anniversaries).Organisational events (commercial, political, charitable, sales).Cultural (ceremonial, sacred, heritage, art, folklore).The Events Management Concept and formula Event management is therefore a train and a practice.There are many concepts and aspects of event management that necessitate to be considered especially among those who severalise in certain components of the practice. superstar of the commonplace perceptions of event management is its dimension as a coordinate activities. Silvers (28) mentioned that in event coordination, the coordinators visualise, dress up and sync the different elements of an event. In addition, in even t coordination, the coordinator also identifies the purpose, setting and the program of the event by manner of identifying its intent, extent, and content. some other(prenominal) of the essence(p) point elevated by Silvers (28) is that, in organisation with the aside give-and-takes on the nature of event management as similar or relate to project management, the author also further mentioned the processes touch on both in the coordination and the management of events. These aspects, for instance, is through the discussion on the Project cooking stove (28-29)Identifying the necessitate and requirements of the event including the definition of its purpose and the evaluate outcomes.The verbal description of the product as spelled out by the type of event.Product analysis or the credit of the components of the product.The feasibleness of the product as based on the analysis of the resources.From these, the event becomes more certain(prenominal) through the design of a pe e disruption building and natural process account (29). Another primary(prenominal) approach in event management can be considered in the perceptions of the customers, emulation and the sponsors. Silvers discussed the aspect of the consumers and the contest. consort to the author, the customers make up the marketing earth of the event (30).Hence, it is important to identify a target segment because this helps in the design of the event, from its scope to its marketing to its implementation. Silvers also discussed the competition for cases such as bars and clubs, any weekend night poses a great core of competition for any establishment holding an event that night.As the author stressed, it is pregnant that the bar or club is witting what kind of other events that will take place in another establishment. It is therefore in the strategy of the club or bar owner, along with its hired events specialist, to determine how to best approach competition.